Legal notice

Contact address

Nimex AG
Soodstrasse 59
CH-8134 Adliswil
Phone +41 (0)44 462 91 91

Managing Director:
Hans-Christian von der Crone

Bank reference and VAT number

Company number: CH-107.848.598 MWST

Visiting hours

Monday to Friday:
 8.00am – 5.00pm

Legal notice

Considering the technical aspects of the Internet, no guarantee can be given as to the authenticity, correctness or completeness of information made available on the Web. No guarantee can also be given in respect of the availability or proper operation of any website or content thereof.

To the extent permitted by law, any liability for indirect, direct or other damage, however caused, arising from the use or unavailability of this website’s data is excluded.

Our site contains links to external third party websites, the content of which is beyond our reasonable control. We cannot therefore be held liable for this foreign content, either. The content of such linked sites is always the responsibility of their providers or administrators. At the time of creating the links, the linked sites were checked for possible infringements. No illegal content was found when creating these links.

The content of this website is copyright. Links to our website are very welcome!