What must not be missing from a top-tier retailer with such a long history?
Quite simply: NIMEX’s excellent service offerings!
Since 1953, dedicated NIMEX experts have been striving to provide you with outstanding service. You benefit from this every single day. Our fast and meticulous service processing ensures smooth operations, where fairness and goodwill are not just empty promises but a lived reality.
Feel free to hold us to our word, because at NIMEX AG, our word today and in the future holds the same value it did over 70 years ago. You can count on us—we won’t let you down.
Our NIMEX service offerings include:
- Product sourcing
- Collection development
- Sales & marketing
- After-sales service for watches and toys
- Spare parts service
- Packaging / Order picking / Delivery
- Warehousing (in collaboration with:
- POS support
- Rack-Jobbing
If you require additional services, don’t hesitate to ask. We are here for you.