Toys and playware


From a small white parrot to the blue hero that writes Swiss history

It was not meant to be so, but Globi shows how a children’s character designed by the Globus store’s advertising department could fly away and conquer, by storm, at least one small nation.

NIMEX AG is very glad to be part of Globi.

And did you know that everything began with the following words?
Ein Ei liegt still verlassen da; Tief in der Wüste Saharah / Der Tag ist heiss, die Sonne sengt; Kri-Krack! Die Schale ist gesprengt / Schon hat sich "Globi" aufgestellt; Und zieht nun in die weite Welt / Hoch fliegt er wie der Zeppelin; Und pfeift ein Liedchen vor sich hin / Was liegt da unten? Halt potz Blitz!; Ein Dächermeer, ein Kirchenspitz! / Was lockt dort für ein heller Schein?; Ein Fest wird wohl im Gange sein. / Die Nase wittert allerhand; Beinah hätt er sie eingerannt / Sein Kopf ist wirr und schwer wie Blei; Drei Buben springen schon herbei. / Und Mädchen, welch ein Aufgebot!; Der kleine Globi sagt: Grüss Gott! / "Ich weiss etwas, das zeig ich euch: Kommt alle in mein lustig Reich!" (source:

An egg lies still abandoned there; deep in the Sahara desert / The day is hot, a scorching sun;  Crack! The shell bursts open / Globi’s already up; And off he goes into the wide world / He flies high like an airship;  Singing a ditty to himself / What lies down there? Cor Blimey!; A sea of roofs, a church spire! / What’s that bright light there?; A party seems to be under way. / The nose gets all kinds of scents; He almost banged against them / His head’s confused and heavy like a lead weight; Three lads already spring up here. / And girls, how numerous they are!; The small Gobi says: Hello! / ‘I know something, and I‘m going to show it to you: Come along all of you to my merry kingdom!’

Immediately after his first appearances Globi starts a model career in public. Globi, a small blue hero, flies straight into the hearts of young and old people in Switzerland and beyond. NIMEX AG is one of Globi’s partners for plush dolls, alarm clocks and watches.

And what? Do you fancy more of Globi? Feel free to browse our online-catalogue or vistit the official website.

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